Sunday, December 8, 2013

Unrest in Israel,0,1184232.story#axzz2mvCFiBuF

     Although many people's worries have been assuaged, there is still a lot of unrest about Iran's nuclear program in Israel. This article talks about Israel's prime minister insisting that Iran's nuclear program can and should be shut down by using heavier sanctions and military threats. He has threatened to take military action in order to protect Israel. I feel that the prime minister is taking the situation too far. The six world powers who made the deal with Iran have access to monitor the program in order to prevent bombs from being produced. If anything seems awry, the powers can step in and take action.  Israel, however, is so uneasy and fearful of being bombed that it is willing to attack Iran. I do not understand why Israel is saying it does not want Iran to create nuclear weapons because Iran would attack Israel, but Israel is willing to start a conflict, resulting in Iran retaliating. Although it is very likely, it is not a definite fact that if Iran did make nuclear weapons Israel would be the first to be bombed. Israel is causing tensions with the Obama administration and could possibly cause problems in the near future when no problem needs to occur at all. Iran and the six world powers have made a peaceful first step and whether there is a winner or a loser in the deal, people are at ease for now. We learned in class that Israel is, for the most part, a nation that lives for the moment because the people do not know what could happen within the next minute, day, or week. I think they need to utilize this way of living right now because now is a time of peace, so they should enjoy it while it lasts. I feel that Israel has nothing to worry about at this point in time because there is a temporary deal in place with Iran preventing them from making nuclear weapons. I am sure Iran wants to keep their economy "markedly improved," so it will keep to it's promises. In my opinion, Israel should calm down.    


  1. Well said Melanie! I do agree that Israel is causing tension in or government as well as starting irrational conflict among Iran way before anything has occurred. But in the same breath, you and I also agree that Iran does serve as a threat to Israel which in turn does cause fear of what may happen if Iran does create weapons a mass destruction and may ultimately go right for Israel. I sincerely hope Iran will comply with the peace agreement and not create anything lethal that could potentially affect any country and anywhere.

  2. Although I agree that the Israeli prime minister may be going above and beyond to make his points clear about Iran's nuclear power program, I don't believe that it's for no reason. Like you said, Israel would most definitely be a target if Iran was to produce a nuclear bomb. In addition, Israel has had years and years of unrest within the middle east and the Jewish people in general have always been the targets of hate and discrimination. They are arguably the most unwanted people in the middle east, therefore they have plenty of reason to be against any sort of nuclear power programs in Iran. In addition, I think that the prime minister is correct in saying that Iran has to be held responsible for their human rights abuses as well.
