Saturday, December 7, 2013

Iran nuclear crisis: UN warns process will 'take time'

This article talks with the head of the UN’s nuclear agency, Yukiya Amano. He presents a very valid point regarding the deal that was made with Iran concerning their nuclear program. The point that was made is that it will take time. I agree I think everything concerning this deal will take time. I think it will take time to start the various parts of the deal, it will take time to see if Iran will follow the deal, and it will take time to let the deal work if it is going to work. The first step in following through with this deal is happening on December 8th when Amano will visit the Arak heavy water plant. There is a lot of concern regarding this Arak heavy water plant because it has the capability to make weapon grade plutonium. The IAEA has not been able to inspect this site even though they have tried since 2011. As a result, no one is exactly sure what is going on here. I think that this visit will mark the beginning of the deal really happening. I think the concept of time is very important in this situation and needs to be taken into consideration. Regardless of what the outcome of this deal will be it is going to take time to happen. I think its interesting that while the deal was made there is still enough things that need to be worked out that the six month period will not begin for another couple weeks. However, only time will tell.


  1. Great post, Moira! The nuclear program deal is being heavily scrutinized by Israel and their fear of their well being. I believe the 6 month intense inspection will elevate some of the pressure that Israel is dealing with. Hopefully, Iran will use this nuclear plant for the better good of their country instead of delivering destruction to others who only want to live in peace.

  2. Like all things in life, time is needed. In order for the initial deal to work and be a positive first step, those involved must take the proper time to ensure the well being of everyone and make sure that this deal is followed diligently and appropriately. I agree that the investigation of the Arak plant will be the starting point. I believe it will also be a deciding factor of whether or not this deal will work. If the Iranians are open, honest, and willing to share their program with the IAEA then it shows that they are making an effort to deal with the crisis in a positive way, in line with the deal. If they make it difficult for the IAEA to look at the Arak plant, then they are back to square one.
