Monday, December 9, 2013

Cartoon View

This cartoon was drawn prior to negotiations being agreed upon. I just found it online and felt it was worth sharing because of who drew it. It was drawn by an Iranian who has been exiled. In this cartoon he is warning the US to be cautious and think before shaking hands on a deal with Iran. He reminds the US and everyone else of the human rights abuses that Iran has inflicted on it's people. Iran's foreign minister may look like someone that can be dealt with and maybe trusted, but the US should think twice and remain cautious when making negotiations. 

1 comment:

  1. I really like that you showed a cartoon. I also thought it was neat how the steps are actually gallows. It kind of seems like the artist is saying that with ever step we take at making a deal with Iran, we are hanging ourselves a little bit more. I also agree with you that the US needs to be more cautious in the deals we make with others.
