Monday, December 9, 2013

This cartoon was actually really amusing. It shows how we have double standards. We as a country have nuclear weapons and yet we are telling another country that they cannot. In the article that it talked about how just days ago the US actually conducted a nuclear test in Nebraska. I just think it is so crazy how little we know about what goes on in our own country. I think that the US is being very hypocritical when they tell Iran that they cannot have nuclear weapons and they are watching  every detail about what they are doing with their facilities. Yet, here in our country we are testing our weapons in underground facilities.

1 comment:

  1. Great cartoon very funny and it does indeed show a very big double standard. I defiantly think it was a bad decision on the part of the U.S to do this test in light of the current Iranian nuclear talks (Its like a personal trainer telling me the importance of diet and exercise while he is laying on his side sucking down a Big Mac). However, I do think that much of U.S policy with regards to nuclear weapons is a hold over from the Cold War, the MAD safeguard (Mutually Assured Destruction). While it is important for the U.S to maintain some supply of warheads (I think 1,707 is a little much) to deter other nuclear nations from potentially deploying theirs on the MAD principle, its been working so far (Terrorist Organizations don't work with the Mad principle because of the nature of them). A big deterrent to nuclear war/attack is to limit the amount of nations with nuclear capabilities. I think that any nation that wants to develop nuclear energy should be free to do so, but under strict guidelines, regulations, and inspections that are supported, obeyed, and enforced by all participating nations (U.S. included).
