Thursday, December 5, 2013

UK to leave no stone unturned

   In an article I found on the BBC news website, there was some information I found in an article that pretty much sums up the purpose of this initial agreement.  The UK recognizes this as only a first-step toward a more permanent agreement.  Outlined in this article is the fact that Iran has agreed to scale back uranium enrichment for a six-month period.  In return, an easing of sanctions will take place and Iran will gain $7 billion in section relief.  Given that there has been little to no progress in nuclear negotiations with Iran, a small step should be viewed as a step in the right direction.  Some critics claim that Iran simply took the money and ran, and there is no real guarantee that in  six months time anything will have really changed.  That is, that no progress will have been made with Iran, and that Iran was simply looking for an ease of sanctions.  Should this first agreement prove to be a genuine sign of progress, it should be welcome with open arms in the international community.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post K. Carola! I agree with you and I also stated in my post that the 7 billion dollars that has been given for delay is a very nice comfort pillow to relax on. This delay should not be declared as a crisis but a sincere confidence to support the constant allegation of destruction that may occur if the inspection is not performed.
