Saturday, November 30, 2013

The big deal about the Iran nuclear deal
This article was on Aljazeera under the opinion section and was written by a professor of Iranian Studies. I chose this article because the author really presented both sides of the deal and it seemed to me to be a fair presentation of the information compared to other articles that I had seen. Also, I wanted to get a perspective of someone who is very knowledgeable about Iran. One thing in this article that he even out is how the information concerning the deal that was made is already being twisted by different people to benefit them. For example, the article mentions how the U.S government presented the deal with it's own spin for domestic benefits. Also, the article mentions how Iran put it's on spin on the deal as well. Since the author presented how different sides have twisted the information concerning the deal for their own benefits I feel like the author presented both sides pretty well and did not leave much out. The author points out that he believes that the winner in this deal is Iran, and I agree. I think that Iran is the winder because as a result of the deal Iran now has no threat of military action for right now and has had some sanctions lifted that were really hurting the Iranians. A final point about this article is that it makes a connection to class because it discusses how geopolitics will be changed as a result this deal. We have discussed in class how other situations have impacted geopolitics in this region.

1 comment:

  1. I liked how the author of this article seemed to present both sides of the deal, which you mentioned the author did. Early on it explained the "winners and losers." I think both sides have wins and loses. If neither side received something out of it, then a deal wouldn't be made. The author also mentioned that the end of the 6 month deal will be negative for Iran and that overall, it is a failure. I think I agree with the author that this deal is just another form of delay for a bigger conflict of interest between Iran and other countries. From this deal I think we will see what happens next, whether it be a deal that is meant to be more long-term, or a situation that was similar to how it was before the deal.
