Sunday, November 24, 2013

A Deal Has Been Made

     This article by USA today announces that a deal has been made with Iran. Iran agreed to limitations on their nuclear power program in return for $7 billion in aid in order to help them recover from the effects of the sanctions that have been placed on them. Not only has this deal been made, but if Iran goes against the agreement the sanctions will be reinstated. It is only the first step in the process, but I feel that it was a good step. In a way, everyone gets what they want. The United States has new security in knowing that the nuclear plan is a peaceful one and that they can cancel the deal if Iran does not comply. Iran gets to continue with their nuclear energy research, at a more limited level of course, and gets economic help for their nation. The United States' allies, are relieved because they feel safer knowing that no nuclear weapons will be headed their way via Iran. This deal is a way to calm some very stressful situations in the Middle East as well as soothe worries in the countries in the west. I find it interesting though that Israel is not as content with this decision as other allies of the United States are. Most of what they wanted was achieved, but they still feel unsafe and threatened. They want nothing to do with the deal. I think Iran should have access to nuclear energy if that is the energy source they choose to utilize as long as the world is safe from nuclear weapons. It seems that Israel wants Iran to have nothing to do with nuclear power, which is understandable beings they are neighbors, but there has to be a middle ground to please everyone. I believe this first step is a step in the right direction because the United States and other world powers can now monitor the situation more closely and make the world safer.

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